FSC - Weaving the Wisdom of Women

The kitchen is often the most important gathering place in a home; the space where the bodies, minds and souls of family are fed, nurtured, and nourished.

It’s not surprising the beautiful weaving created by Biripi Artist Joedie Lawler, Worimi Artist Pauline Grothkopp and 40 strong women found its natural home above the kitchen area in the new First Steps Count building.

In 2022, First Steps Count was fortunate to be awarded a Women’s Week Grant, which provided the opportunity to deliver 2 ‘Women who Weave’ workshops for 40 participants at Manning Regional Art Gallery.

With the support of Joedie and Pauline, each woman was guided to weave a bird during the workshop from tree roots, native grasses, raffia and silk.

Within the bird, a small slip of paper was placed with a word that represented the wisdom, love, and experiences that each woman bought to the group, their families, and the greater community.

Joedie shares the concept and story of artwork….

“Birds represent us as women. We fly above adversity to do what we can to be strong for our families and for our community. The sun is light - life to take away the darkness. The fish net of colours represents all our trials, successes, strengths, and weaknesses. Some of us find strength in ‘home’, some spread our wings and fly beyond what we know but return home when we need our strength and healing.”

The title of the weaving in Gathang (the language of the Biripi and Worimi people) is Dhanbaan Gulbaanbiynguba ‘Strengthening of Women’ 

The body of the weaving was originally started by Joedie’s mum and much loved Biripi Elder Aunty Pam Saunders who had only recently passed away before the workshop was held… as had Joedie’s brother Jay Davis, who was a cultural language holder, musician, partner, Dad and friend to many.

The symbolism and significance of the weaving was all the more important as Joedie bought together hearts that were heavy with loss, to create a work that is full of love, strength, family and friendship.

I am in awe of Joedie's beautiful prescience and her ability to share her cultural knowledge, skill, wisdom, and love with us all, during a time that was filled with much heart ache.

The weaving in its new home…

Thank you for sharing journey… the next chapter of the development of the artwork for Stage 1 of the First Steps Count Building is shared in Blog 4 FSC - Colours, Critters and Collaboration

Ali Haigh x


FSC - Colours, Critters and Collaboration


FSC - How the Building Grows